If you weren't so butthurt malding behind your screen you might be able to see that he specifically asked for cracked or jailbroken version, but i guess hes gotta confess to you a supreme ethical being before he asks a simple question.
Not only is it okay to steal from thieves its something that should be advocated for. Software is rife with plagiarism and theft of intellectual property, even if the weren't the case, the shareholders who profit off exorbitant prices steal the fruits of their workers labor. is a professional modeling tool, distributed under an open source license. I don't have money is a perfectly reasonable defence for theft, and any property is only yours to the extent you can defend it. The Premium Design Suite includes Modelio, SketchUp, and AutoCAD Serial.
Me patenting a software somebody else made such that they can no longer sell it is outright theft, copying a program without impact the companies ability to continue selling it is not. I love and encourage stealing from any company or entity that can take it, but piracy and stealing are not the same.